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Facebook updates (5/6/19)

June 5, 2019

Facebook’s ever-changing algorithm has gone through yet another metamorphosis, with the social media giant announcing two different ranking updates that will affect what you see in your feed. Let’s dig a little deeper to see what these changes might mean for businesses on Facebook!⁣⁣


The first change prioritises friends that the individual user is most likely to want to hear from – based on past engagement, not psychic abilities – while the second focuses on increasing visibility to links the user might find interesting or valuable.⁣⁣


Facebook has clarified that these algorithm updates are not designed to impact businesses on Facebook; in fact, they’ve also hinted that if you’re sharing links that your audience will find valuable, it may even help you and bump up your posts in the hierarchy.⁣⁣


Value really is the name of the game right now in social media, so it’s important to make sure your posts offer something in exchange for your audience’s time. Master that art, and your posts will be at the top of everyone’s feeds in no time.

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