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Is WhatsApp the next new Facebook?

March 14, 2019

Okay, unless you spent yesterday on a digital detox retreat in the Himalayas and left your phone in a vault, you probably don’t need us to tell you that Instagram, Messenger and Facebook were all down for a few hours.⁣

But did you notice that WhatsApp was also down?

Not many people are aware that WhatsApp is part of the Facebook family of apps. Not only that, but Facebook is also in the process of reworking the underlying infrastructure between its three messaging services – Messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram DMs – so that Instagram and Messenger users have the same level of security as WhatsApp currently does.⁣

While Facebook hasn’t confirmed the reason behind its dramatic shutdown, we’re going to go ahead and assume this infrastructure revamp is the probable culprit.⁣

Some eagle-eyed marketers have also spotted that WhatsApp is being tested out as a placement option when creating ads in Ads Manager. While we’ve yet to spot this ourselves, we’re definitely curious to see what sort of impact they’ll have!

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